Two of our teachers, Tr. Sapna and Tr. Rita, participated in a two-day training on August 3 and 4, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Karnataka State Fire and Emergency Services Station in Pandeshwar, Mangalore.
Day 1: Fire Station Officer Mr. Sunil Kumar took over the session and went over the goals, tasks, and organisational structure of the Fire Extinguisher Station Department. He also went into greater detail about how to put out a fire.
Officer Mr. Mohammed Zufikar Nawaz gave a PPT presentation on the fundamentals of fighting fires. He defined fire, discussed its elements, and clarified the idea of extinguishing fire. Additionally, he touched on the four different types of fire (A, B, C, and D), their sources, and numerous mitigation techniques.
Mr. Sunil Kumar led the afternoon session and described the various portable fire extinguishers, including the dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, mechanical foam, and water types. The safety authorities created a tiny fire for the trainers to practise putting it out using a variety of tactics during the demonstration session. Then, while still linked to the fire engine, the fire safety officers demonstrated how to put out fires with water by using a variety of hose-like attachments.
Day 2: Officer Mr. Vasanth gave a presentation on fire safety in high-rise buildings, common fire causes, and preventive and protective measures. Officer Mr. Revanna focused on fire safety in industries, frequent fire causes, and preventative and protective measures. In addition, he discussed the four categories of gases and focused on LPG's characteristics, safe handling practises, and usage considerations. Officer Mohammed gave a brief explanation of drilling and quick evacuation in order to protect people and property. In the event of a fire, he focused on the dos and don'ts. He also displayed images of various firefighting apparatuses.
The teachers had the chance to learn how to manage the issue and keep the peace until help arrived during the training. Overall, it was a useful programme for raising awareness.

On 12th Friday at 1.30 pm Tr. Rita and Tr. Sapna gave a brief explanation on "Fire and Safety" measures to the staff through PowerPoint presentations and videos. They explained to teachers The meaning of fire, How to react in the event of an emergency, various types of extinguishers, handling the fire extinguishers and effective tips we can incorporate in schools and homes to prevent large scale damage due to fire.
The interesting part of the session was the mock drill, which trained the staff how to put off the fire by various methods and the steps to be remembered while using fire extinguishers.Thus this session instilled in the staff the emotional state of emergency readiness to perform their task to save life and property in the case of fire.