The Ladyhill English Higher Primary school community joyously celebrated the Feast of Mount Carmel, honoring their patroness with a series of events that brought together faith, tradition, and cultural performances. The celebration commenced with a solemn Mass celebrated by Reverend Fr. Deep Fernandes OCD. The Mass was a deeply spiritual experience, with readings, hymns, and a sermon that emphasized the virtues of Mother Mary and the significance of the feast. During the Mass, students were formally initiated into the Carmel Blossom, a significant milestone in their spiritual journey. Reverend Fr. Deep Fernandes OCD blessed each new member, welcoming them into the community with prayers and blessings.
  Following the Mass , a special cultural program was presented by students from Class 3A and 8A. The program showcased a series of performances that highlighted the importance of the day. Students reenacted the story of Prophet Elijah, emphasizing his role in Mount Carmel's history and his unwavering faith in God. Through dramatizations and narratives, the students illustrated the virtues of Mother Mary, inspiring the audience with her example of humility, obedience, and devotion.The mesmerizing dance performances , celebrated the significance of the Heavenly Mother, reflecting the community's deep reverence and love for her.
   The event was graced by the presence of the Principal, Sr. Jennifer Moras AC, and the Vice Principal, Sr. Ivy Moras AC. The Principal Sr Jennifer Moras AC in her address to the students highlighted the historical and spiritual importance of Mount Carmel, explaining its relevance to the school community. She spoke about the profound connection between Mount Carmel and the virtues exemplified by Mother Mary, encouraging the students to draw inspiration from her life.








 Thus the Feast of Mount Carmel celebration was a memorable occasion, bringing together students, faculty, and the school community in a meaningful expression of faith and unity. The Mass, the initiation into Carmel Blossom, and the cultural program together created an atmosphere of reverence and joy, honoring the patroness of the school and fostering a deeper connection among all participants.

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Ladyhill English Higher Primary School
Urwa, Mangalore - 575006


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