During the Eucharistic thanksgiving celebration led by Rev. Fr. Prakash Colaco on November 25th, 2021, 17 Catholic students were initiated into the Carmel Blossom family under the guidance and presence of their animator Sr. Jyothi Crasta A.C, headmistress Sr. Maisie A.C, and teachers. The Carmel Blossoms are the Apostolic Carmel Lay groups youngest members.
The students pledged their devotion and took an oath to be ever generous, ready to help the needy and to follow in the footsteps of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the school’s patroness.
The Carmel Blossoms expressed gratitude to the Management, their animator and all Apostolic Carmel sisters for giving them the opportunity to be a part of the Apostolic Carmel family.