June 21st International yoga day was celebrated in the Ladyhill English Higher primary school . The session began with the morning assembly and prayer in the golden jubilee memorial hall. The students of class 5 B emphasized the importance of yoga and its benefits. They gave a brief insight into different types of yoga practiced from the ancient times and a brief description on the theme of yoga for the year 2022 'Yoga for Humanity'.
A group of students who are well versed in yoga performed several asanas on the stage such as Surya namaskar ,sitting asanas and sleeping asanas . The physical education teacher Mrs. Sapna gave instructions to the entire School assembled in the hall to perform some simple asanas and explained the importance of these asanas simultaneously .All the students participated in this eagerly.
Later the students of class 5th 6th and 7th along with the scouts and guides performed yoga systematically under the guidance of yoga teacher Mrs. Kavitha in the school open ground .This session was inaugurated by the headmistress Sr. Maisie and assistant headmistress Sr. Jyothi crasta . The students demonstrated Surya namaskar followed by various standing asanas. Later assistant headmistress Sr. Jyothi Crasta in her message to the students explained the benefits of the good postures and importance of meditation in day to day life to keep oneself mentally, physically. psychologically and emotionally healthy. Thus the students showcased a very energetic and spiritual performance.