Date: February 10, 2024

   In an inspiring display of environmental stewardship, Scouts, Guides, Bulbuls and a few students from Ladyhill English Higher Primary School, in collaboration with NGO ‘United Way Mumbai’, spearheaded a commendable effort to cleanse the shores of Bengare Beach in Mangalore.

   Under the able guidance of Headmistress Sr. Jennifer Moras A C, Assistant Headmistress Sr. Ivy Moras A C, in charge teachers of Scouts and Guides and the United Way Mumbai team, led by Mr. Andrew Dias, the students exhibited remarkable enthusiasm and dedication as they tirelessly worked to rid the beach of debris and waste. Armed with gloves, trash bags, and a shared passion for environmental conservation, the young volunteers combed through the sands, meticulously collecting litter and discarded items like bottles, plastic items, Styrofoam and other waste separating them into recyclable and non-recyclable items.










    Through their concerted efforts, the students of Ladyhill English Higher Primary School and the staff have not only contributed to the beautification of Bengare Beach but have also demonstrated their unwavering commitment to safeguard our planet for future generations. Their initiative serves as a testament to the power of collective effort and the profound impact that even the youngest members of society can have on creating a cleaner, greener world.

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