The Investiture Ceremony at Ladyhill English Higher Primary School was held on 27th July 2024 at Ladyhill English Higher Primary School hall. It was a solemn occasion where young students were prepared to don the mantle of leadership and discharge the responsibilities entrusted to them by the school.

The ceremony began with a grand procession led by the school band, featuring rhythmic drum beats and harmonious melodies that set a vibrant tone for the event. At the forefront were the student leaders followed by the chief guest, Dr. Precilla D'Souza, Principal of Sri Ramakrishna Composite School, Mangalore, Principal Sr Jenifer Moras AC and Vice Principal Sr Ivy Moras AC. Marching with pride and confidence, the student leaders, headed by School Pupil Leader Miss Chrislynn D'Souza and Assistant School Pupil Leader Miss Liyan Fernandes, signified the start of their leadership journey.

The investiture ceremony continued with an inspiring prayer service and uplifting hymns by class 6, offering blessings for the future leaders of the school. The prayer service emphasized the values of guidance, wisdom, and strength as the students embarked on their leadership roles.The ceremony featured a mesmerizing welcome dance performed by the students of class 6. This captivating performance beautifully combined with graceful movements and vibrant expressions captivated the audience, setting an inspiring tone for the event.During the ceremony, Teacher Ashwitha D'Souza introduced and warmly welcomed the chief guest Dr Precilla D'Souza. In a gesture of appreciation, Principal Sister Jenifer Moras AC presented a sapling to the chief guest, symbolizing growth and the nurturing of future leadership.

A thought-provoking skit was enacted by the students of class 7, highlighting essential qualities of a leader . The skit effectively conveyed the message that true leadership is about serving others and making a positive impact.
















The most anticipated part of the event was the oath-taking ceremony. As Teacher Rosely D'costa read the names, the newly elected student council members marched to the stage, pledging to uphold the values and principles of the school. The chief guest Dr Precilla D'Souza presented the student leaders with sashes, and Principal Sister Jenifer Moras AC administered the oath. The hall resonated with the solemn promises made by the young leaders.

Later, Dr Precilla D'Souza addressed the newly appointed student council and shared an insightful story about balloons. Dr. D'Souza emphasized that while the height a balloon reaches is notable, the true importance lies in what is inside it. This analogy highlighted that, similarly, the intrinsic qualities of a leader are more significant than external achievements. She elaborated on essential leadership qualities, such as integrity, empathy, and dedication, inspiring the students to embody these traits in their roles. Her speech was filled with anecdotes and valuable advice, motivating the students to strive for excellence.The ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks by the SPL Chrislynn D'Souza , expressing gratitude to everyone who contributed to the event’s success.Teacher Lavita Correa compered the ceremony.

The investiture ceremony was a resounding success, instilling a sense of pride and responsibility in the newly appointed leaders. It was a day to remember for all attendees, as it celebrated the spirit of leadership and the potential of the youth.

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